Fairhaven picks up where traditional education leaves off. We come out of school having been given a lot of facts and information that we may or may not use somewhere in the future. But without the critical skills related to our physical, emotional, and economic health, most of us will fail to thrive. Fairhaven’s goal is to teach sustainable living skills through community building.
It is important that people experience the real world, so that they learn to recognize issues and solve problems. Community building starts with rebuilding families torn apart by cultural norms that alienate children from parents, siblings from each other, and families from the community.
Our projects are hands-on and intergenerational:
Youth Voice – Listening to the concerns and ideas of adolescents and young adults from the perspective of those who are increasingly marginalized by our society. Youth Voice makes young people heard and values their contribution to community building.
Elder Care – Valuing the stories that our eldest community members bring to the conversation. Taking life lessons from those stories and connecting our oldest family members to our youngest.
Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about Fairhaven. Email: