The REAL Back to the Future…
Back in the day…extended families lived together on rural farms. They ran small cottage industry operations to produce things that the community needed. They grew and raised their own food and shared the bounty in community events. There are still communities like this dotted across the countryside. They have farmersContinue Reading
When you play the House…
When you play the House, the House always wins. One of the issues in an industrialized society is that most of the elderly are in poor health. The House tells us that when we get older we must expect to have a medicine regime for morning and evening. Those littleContinue Reading
Knowing When to Turn…
Preparing for an uncertain future means attending to three things. One is our health, a second is our education, and a third our finances. In each area we must prepare the foundation, the footing on which to build. If we neglect this important step in any of the three areas,Continue Reading